
Selasa, 19 September 2017



It’s almost two weeks, I have been studying at International Islamic University  (IIUM) or Universitas Islam Antar Bangsa (UIA), but as a new student, I am still a little bit confused about campus location especially the administration office for International Student that the building is near from each faculty (Kulliyah).

In my opinion, IIUM Gombak Campus is one of the best campus architecture with special mapping. The building of faculty (Kulliyah) it’s just like a circle that one of each other is engaged. Furthermore, all office administration is near from faculty (Kulliyah) and near from Mosque (Masjid). IIUM Mosque (Masjid) becomes a center of our campus, it’s just like a core in the circle of all surrounding building in IIUM.So when muadzin call us for prayer time for shalat, everybody can hear the adzan and directly come to Masjid.

Other advantages from IIUM Gombak campus for us as a new students are we can walk to each of building with safety and convenience because university provides a roof for pedestrians. So, don't worry if you don't have a car, motorcycle or bicycle because we don't need a vehicle if you are studying at the campus, the important thing is just to prepare your body fit because every day you can walk minimum 2km and that can make you more healthy.

Meanwhile, for all of the students who have been studying at IIUM, the university provides a hostel or Mahallah in front of their Kulliyah, so every student only across the street from their Kulliyah to their Mahallah. Every mahallah has special name that was given by university and the name of mahallah mostly the name of Islamic scholar or Islamic heroes such as Ali, Salahuddin, Utsman, Bilal for Men Mahallah and Aminah, Asiah, Hafsah, Ruqayyah for women Mahallah.

Every Mahallah has a convenience because university gives a special facility such as free wifi, free electricity, free mineral water, free bus student, etc., and the important thing for all students when they lived in Mahallah they can interact with another student from a whole of the world. Even though every place of Mahallah have a different area with the different length between Kulliyah and Mahallah but for that circumstance, the university provides a bus and bicycle from each Kulliyah and each Mahallah.

Beside the Mahallah, another advantage from IIUM Gombak Campus is the fresh air that can breathe every day. IIUM Gombak Campus was built in the mountain area so all of the building is surrounded by a mountain. Even though Malaysia is in tropical weather but because IIUM surrounding by mountain and a lot of trees, it’s can reduce a hot air to become fresh air.

The conception of architecture and mapping of IIUM Gombak campus can describe that IIUM as one of the biggest Islamic university in the world with vision “The Garden of Knowledge and Virtue, The Premier International Islamic Research University”.    


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