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kartu Touch n Go saat membayar di Plaza Tol |
Malaysia dengan Kendaraan atau Mobil (Kereta) Pribadi
Malaysia sebagai negara yang serumpun dan juga negara tetangga
Indonesia menjadi salah satu destinasi favorit wisatawan Indonesia untuk
berlibur dan juga shopping. Hampir
sekitar 10 ribu orang wisatawan asal Indonesia setiap minggu datang ke Malaysia
dan destinasi kota favorit adalah Kuala Lumpur dan Penang. Dengan jarak
penerbangan yang dekat dan tiket yang murah maka kedatangan wisatawan Indonesia
ke Malaysia bukan hanya sekali atau dua kali malah mungkin sampai berkali-kali.
Biasanya wisatawan asal Indonesia yang pertama datang
ke Malaysia akan menggunakan jasa biro travel untuk memudahkan perjalanannya, namun
setelah mendapatkan pengalaman pertama dari biro travel akhirnya kedatangan
berikutnya pasti wisatawan tersebut mulai mandiri dan sudah berani menjadi backpacker traveler.
Keberanian itu muncul karena melihat banyaknya
kemudahan saat datang mengunjungi Malaysia. Mulai dari kemudahan mendapatkan
hotel, tiket pesawat yang murah, tranportasi publik yang murah dan nyaman,
makanan yang murah dan halal hingga kemudahan dalam hal bahasa dan komunikasi.
Faktor tersebut menjadikan Malaysia menjadi salah satu
destinasi wisata favorit bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Oleh karenanya jangan heran
apabila saat kita mengunjungi tempat-tempat favorit di KL seperti KLCC, KL
tower, Batu caves, Bukit Bintang akan banyak menemukan wisatawan asal
Menyewa Mobil di Malaysia
Saat ini, selain menggunakan moda transportasi publik (LRT, MRT, KTM, ERL, Monorail, Bus Rapid KL) yang sangat nyaman, aman dan murah, banyak juga wisatawan asal Indonesia yang untuk mengunjungi destinasi wisata di Malaysia menggunakan mobil atau kendaraan pribadi yang disewa di Malaysia. Biasanya penyewaan mobil ini dibantu oleh mahasiswa ataupun pekerja asal Indonesia yang sudah lama tinggal di Malaysia dimana mereka bisa membantu menyewakan kendaraan pribadi yang bisa disewa dari perusahaan sewa mobil atau juga dari pribadi warga Malaysia.
Saat ini, selain menggunakan moda transportasi publik (LRT, MRT, KTM, ERL, Monorail, Bus Rapid KL) yang sangat nyaman, aman dan murah, banyak juga wisatawan asal Indonesia yang untuk mengunjungi destinasi wisata di Malaysia menggunakan mobil atau kendaraan pribadi yang disewa di Malaysia. Biasanya penyewaan mobil ini dibantu oleh mahasiswa ataupun pekerja asal Indonesia yang sudah lama tinggal di Malaysia dimana mereka bisa membantu menyewakan kendaraan pribadi yang bisa disewa dari perusahaan sewa mobil atau juga dari pribadi warga Malaysia.
Dengan harga penyewaan Mobil yang rata-rata
sehari antara 150RM s.d. 200RM yang disesuaikan dengan tipe mobil, maka hal
tersebut jelas sangat menguntungkan para wisatawan khususnya yang akan
mengunjungi kota lain di Malaysia yang jaraknya lebih dari 100km seperti
Melaka, Penang, Langkawi, Perak, Kedah, Kuantan, Johor dan banyak kota lainnya
yang dapat dikunjungi melalui jalan darat dengan menggunakan kendaraan pribadi
atau mobil pribadi.
SIM Internasional
Untuk menyewa mobil pribadi di Malaysia, selain harus mempunyai kenalan atau teman di Malaysia juga harus memiliki SIM A Internasional. SIM A Internasional ini dapat kita buat di Indonesia di Dirt. Lalu Lintas Mabes Polri di Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta. Proses pembuatan SIM Internasional ini sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Kita hanya diwajibkan membawa photo copy KTP, Pasport dan juga SIM dengan membayar biaya 250 ribu. Proses pembuatan SIM Internasional ini hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 20 menit.
Untuk menyewa mobil pribadi di Malaysia, selain harus mempunyai kenalan atau teman di Malaysia juga harus memiliki SIM A Internasional. SIM A Internasional ini dapat kita buat di Indonesia di Dirt. Lalu Lintas Mabes Polri di Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta. Proses pembuatan SIM Internasional ini sangatlah mudah dan cepat. Kita hanya diwajibkan membawa photo copy KTP, Pasport dan juga SIM dengan membayar biaya 250 ribu. Proses pembuatan SIM Internasional ini hanya membutuhkan waktu kurang dari 20 menit.
Mengunjungi destinasi wisata di Malaysia dengan menggunakan
mobil pribadi memang menjadi pengalaman yang menarik dan juga menyenangkan
karena kita bisa explore lebih dekat
keindahan Malaysia dan juga kemajuan Malaysia. Dengan ruas jalan tol yang bagus
dan sudah tersedia ke setiap negara bagian menjadikan kita sebagai driver sangat nyaman mengendarai
kendaraan pribadi selama di Malaysia. Begitupun dengan kemudahan menggunakan
fasilitas GPS yang sudah tersedia di gadget
(google maps atau waze) kita menjadikan explore Malaysia dengan menggunakan
mobil pribadi terasa semakin menyenangkan karena kita tidak mungkin tersesat.
Selain itu, manfaat lain yang bisa kita dapatkan saat
menggunakan mobil pribadi saat berwisata di Malaysia adalah kita bisa mengatur
waktu secara akurat dan efisien oleh karena di Malaysia lalu lintas jalan tidak
terlalu ramai dan juga tidak banyak macet, sehingga perjalanan panjang ratusan
kilometer pun dapat dicapai dengan waktu yang cepat. Namun, saat mengendari
kendaraan pribadi di jalan Tol juga kita harus hati-hati oleh karena setiap
zona jalan ada kamera pengintai kecepatan yang akan memotret kendaraan kita
saat kita melebihi batas kecepatan di jalan tol dan konsekuensinya kita akan
kena denda yang dibebankan kepada pemilik kendaraan.
Touch and Go / E-Money
Hal lain yang juga harus disiapkan saat mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di Malaysia adalah e-money atau lebih dikenal dengan kartu Touch and Go. Kartu e-money atau Touch and Go untuk membayar jalan tol tersebut dapat kita beli di gerai pengisian bahan bakar di rest area dan kita juga bisa melakukan top up di gerai tersebut serta juga dapat dilakukan Plaza Tol (Gerbang Tol) saat kita akan membayar tol. Di Gerbang Tol atau Plaza Tol akan tersedia line khusus untuk melakukan top up touch and go sehingga kita tidak perlu kahawatir akan kehabisan e-money kita.
Hal lain yang juga harus disiapkan saat mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di Malaysia adalah e-money atau lebih dikenal dengan kartu Touch and Go. Kartu e-money atau Touch and Go untuk membayar jalan tol tersebut dapat kita beli di gerai pengisian bahan bakar di rest area dan kita juga bisa melakukan top up di gerai tersebut serta juga dapat dilakukan Plaza Tol (Gerbang Tol) saat kita akan membayar tol. Di Gerbang Tol atau Plaza Tol akan tersedia line khusus untuk melakukan top up touch and go sehingga kita tidak perlu kahawatir akan kehabisan e-money kita.
Tips Berkendara di Malaysia
Ada beberapa hal yang juga harus kita pahami saat mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di Malaysia, diantaranya :
Ada beberapa hal yang juga harus kita pahami saat mengendarai kendaraan pribadi di Malaysia, diantaranya :
1. Tidak ada
STNK. Saat kita menyewa mobil (kereta) di Malaysia kita tidak akan mendapatkan
STNK atau surat kepemilikan kendaraan dan kita hanya akan mendapatkan kunci
kendaraan saja.
2. Saat akan
membeli bensin (minyak) atau BBM, pom bensin tidak menyediakan petugas yang
akan mengisi bensin. Jadi kita self
service atau mandiri mengisi bensin. Caranya kita terlebih dahulu melihat
nomor mesin pom bensin tempat kita mengisi, kemudian kita pergi ke kasir pom
bensin dan memberitahukan kepada petugas kasir bahwa kita membeli bensin oktan
92 atau 95 di mesin nomor sekian. Maka petugas kasir akan mengisi secara
otomatis mesin pom bensin yang kita beritahukan dan kita akan mendapatkan tanda
pembayaran dari kasir. Selanjutnya kita langsung mengisi bensin ke mobil kita
dan secara otomatis mesin akan mengeluarkan bensin sesuai jumlah yang kita beli
dan akan berhenti secara otomatis sesuai jumlah bensin yang kita beli.
3. Tidak ada
bunyi klakson. Salah satu budaya berkendara di Malaysia adalah jarak
menggunaakan klakson. Klakson hanya digunakan saat emergency seperti layaknya lampu hazar dan jangan heran apabila
kita jarang mendengar bunyi klakson selama berkendara di Malaysia.
4. Mendahulukan
pengendara lain. Saat kita akan berbelok, maka kita harus sabar menunggu
giliran, hingga tidak ada kendaraan oleh karena kebiasaan pengendara Malaysia
selalu mendahulukan pengendara lain sehingga kita harus bersabar.
5. Isi angin
gratis dan tidak ada nitrogen. Di Malaysia, mengisi angin untuk tekanan ban
bisa dilakukan di gerai pom bensin ataupun gerai bengkel ban dan semuanya
gratis. Namun kita tidak akan menemukan pengisian nitrogen di Malaysia,
sehingga kita saat berkendara di jalan Tol harus berhati-hati karena angin
biasa lebih rawan dan sedikit tidak aman.
Demikian sedikit tips dan uraian tentang explore Malaysia dengan menggunakan
kendaraan atau mobil atau kereta pribadi. Semoga bermanfaat. Hatur Nuhun.
#ExploreMalaysia #mobilPribadi #KeretaPribadi
English Subtitle :
Explore Malaysia by Private Vehicle or Car (Train)
Malaysia as a cognate country and also neighbouring Indonesia became one of Indonesia's favourite tourist destinations for vacation and shopping. Nearly 10,000 tourists from Indonesia each week come to Malaysia and favourite city destinations are Kuala Lumpur and Penang. With close flight distance and cheap tickets, the arrival of Indonesian tourists to Malaysia not only once or twice may even be many times.
Usually tourists from Indonesia who first come to Malaysia will use travel agency services to facilitate the trip, but after getting the first experience from the travel agency finally, the next arrival must be the tourists start independent and had the courage to become a backpacker traveller.
The courage that comes from seeing the many ease when coming to visit Malaysia. Starting from the convenience of getting a hotel, cheap airline tickets, cheap and convenient public transportation, cheap and halal food to the ease of language and communication.
These factors make Malaysia become one of the favourite tourist destinations for the people of Indonesia. Therefore do not be surprised if when we visit favourite places in KL such as KLCC, KL Tower, Batu Caves, Bukit Bintang will find many tourists from Indonesia.
Car Rent in Malaysia
Currently, in addition to using public transportation modes (LRT, MRT, KTM, ERL, Monorail, Bus Rapid KL) are very convenient, safe and cheap, many tourists from Indonesia to visit tourist destinations in Malaysia by car or private vehicle hired in Malaysia. Usually, this car rental is assisted by students or workers from Indonesia who have long lived in Malaysia where they can help rent private vehicles that can be rented from car rental companies or also from private Malaysians.
With an average car rental price of between 150RM s.d. 200RM which is tailored to the type of car, then it is obviously very beneficial to tourists especially who will visit other cities in Malaysia which is more than 100km such as Melaka, Penang, Langkawi, Perak, Kedah, Kuantan, Johor and many other cities that can be visited through road by private vehicle or private car.
International License
To rent a private car in Malaysia, in addition to having contacts or friends in Malaysia must also have a Driving Licence International. Driving Licence International can we make in Indonesia in Dirt. Traffic Police Headquarters on Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta. The process of making the International SIM is very easy and fast. We are only required to bring a photo copy of ID card, Passport and also SIM by paying 250 thousand. The process of making this International SIM only takes less than 20 minutes.
Visiting a tourist destination in Malaysia by private car is an interesting experience and also fun because we can explore more closely the beauty of Malaysia and also the progress of Malaysia. With good toll roads and available to every state makes us as drivers very comfortable driving private vehicles while in Malaysia. Likewise with the ease of using GPS facilities that are already available in gadgets (google maps or waze) we make explore Malaysia by private car feels more fun because we may not get lost.
In addition, other benefits that we can get when using private cars while travelling in Malaysia is that we can manage the time accurately and efficiently because in Malaysia the traffic is not too crowded and also not a lot of traffic jams, so a journey of hundreds of kilometres can be achieved with a fast time. However, when driving a private vehicle on Toll road we also have to be careful because every zone of the road there are speed surveillance cameras that will photograph our vehicle when we exceed the speed limit on the freeway and consequently we will be subject to fines imposed on the owner of the vehicle.
Touch and Go / E-Money
Another thing that should also be prepared when driving a private vehicle in Malaysia is e-money or better known as the card Touch and Go. The e-money or Touch and Go card to pay for the toll road can be purchased at refuelling booths in the rest area and we can also do top ups at the booth and also can be done Plaza Tol (Toll Gate) when we will pay the toll. At Toll Gate or Toll Plaza will be available special line to do top up the touch and go so that we do not have to worry about running out of our e-money.
Driving Tips in Malaysia
There are some things we should also understand when driving a private vehicle in Malaysia, including:
When we rent a car (train) in Malaysia we will not get a vehicle registration certificate or letters and we will only get the keys to the vehicle alone.
When going to buy gasoline (oil) or fuel, gas stations do not provide officers who will fill the gasoline. So we self-service or independently fill gasoline. The way we first see the number of gasoline station where we fill, then we go to the gas station cashier and tell the cashier that we buy 92 or 95 octane gasoline on the machine number umpteen. So the cashier will automatically fill the gas station we inform and we will get a payment from the checkout sign. Next, we immediately fill the gasoline into our car and the engine will automatically emit gasoline according to the amount we buy and will stop automatically according to the amount of gasoline that we buy.3.
No honking. One of the driving cultures in Malaysia is the distance of honking. The horn is only used when the emergency is like a hazard light and do not be surprised if we rarely hear the horn during driving in Malaysia.
Put another rider first. When we will turn, then we have to wait for the turn, until there is no vehicle because of the habits of Malaysian riders always put the other riders so we must be patient.
Free air contents and no nitrogen. In Malaysia, the air for tire pressure can be done at gas stations or tire shops and all for free. But we will not find nitrogen filling in Malaysia, so we when driving on the Toll road should be careful because the usual air are more vulnerable and slightly unsafe. So little tips and descriptions about exploring Malaysia by vehicle or car. Maybe useful. Hatur Nuhun.
# ExploreMalaysia #Private car
Explore Malaysia by Private Vehicle or Car (Train)
Malaysia as a cognate country and also neighbouring Indonesia became one of Indonesia's favourite tourist destinations for vacation and shopping. Nearly 10,000 tourists from Indonesia each week come to Malaysia and favourite city destinations are Kuala Lumpur and Penang. With close flight distance and cheap tickets, the arrival of Indonesian tourists to Malaysia not only once or twice may even be many times.
Usually tourists from Indonesia who first come to Malaysia will use travel agency services to facilitate the trip, but after getting the first experience from the travel agency finally, the next arrival must be the tourists start independent and had the courage to become a backpacker traveller.
The courage that comes from seeing the many ease when coming to visit Malaysia. Starting from the convenience of getting a hotel, cheap airline tickets, cheap and convenient public transportation, cheap and halal food to the ease of language and communication.
These factors make Malaysia become one of the favourite tourist destinations for the people of Indonesia. Therefore do not be surprised if when we visit favourite places in KL such as KLCC, KL Tower, Batu Caves, Bukit Bintang will find many tourists from Indonesia.
Car Rent in Malaysia
Currently, in addition to using public transportation modes (LRT, MRT, KTM, ERL, Monorail, Bus Rapid KL) are very convenient, safe and cheap, many tourists from Indonesia to visit tourist destinations in Malaysia by car or private vehicle hired in Malaysia. Usually, this car rental is assisted by students or workers from Indonesia who have long lived in Malaysia where they can help rent private vehicles that can be rented from car rental companies or also from private Malaysians.
With an average car rental price of between 150RM s.d. 200RM which is tailored to the type of car, then it is obviously very beneficial to tourists especially who will visit other cities in Malaysia which is more than 100km such as Melaka, Penang, Langkawi, Perak, Kedah, Kuantan, Johor and many other cities that can be visited through road by private vehicle or private car.
International License
To rent a private car in Malaysia, in addition to having contacts or friends in Malaysia must also have a Driving Licence International. Driving Licence International can we make in Indonesia in Dirt. Traffic Police Headquarters on Jalan MT Haryono, Jakarta. The process of making the International SIM is very easy and fast. We are only required to bring a photo copy of ID card, Passport and also SIM by paying 250 thousand. The process of making this International SIM only takes less than 20 minutes.
Visiting a tourist destination in Malaysia by private car is an interesting experience and also fun because we can explore more closely the beauty of Malaysia and also the progress of Malaysia. With good toll roads and available to every state makes us as drivers very comfortable driving private vehicles while in Malaysia. Likewise with the ease of using GPS facilities that are already available in gadgets (google maps or waze) we make explore Malaysia by private car feels more fun because we may not get lost.
In addition, other benefits that we can get when using private cars while travelling in Malaysia is that we can manage the time accurately and efficiently because in Malaysia the traffic is not too crowded and also not a lot of traffic jams, so a journey of hundreds of kilometres can be achieved with a fast time. However, when driving a private vehicle on Toll road we also have to be careful because every zone of the road there are speed surveillance cameras that will photograph our vehicle when we exceed the speed limit on the freeway and consequently we will be subject to fines imposed on the owner of the vehicle.
Touch and Go / E-Money
Another thing that should also be prepared when driving a private vehicle in Malaysia is e-money or better known as the card Touch and Go. The e-money or Touch and Go card to pay for the toll road can be purchased at refuelling booths in the rest area and we can also do top ups at the booth and also can be done Plaza Tol (Toll Gate) when we will pay the toll. At Toll Gate or Toll Plaza will be available special line to do top up the touch and go so that we do not have to worry about running out of our e-money.
Driving Tips in Malaysia
There are some things we should also understand when driving a private vehicle in Malaysia, including:
When we rent a car (train) in Malaysia we will not get a vehicle registration certificate or letters and we will only get the keys to the vehicle alone.
When going to buy gasoline (oil) or fuel, gas stations do not provide officers who will fill the gasoline. So we self-service or independently fill gasoline. The way we first see the number of gasoline station where we fill, then we go to the gas station cashier and tell the cashier that we buy 92 or 95 octane gasoline on the machine number umpteen. So the cashier will automatically fill the gas station we inform and we will get a payment from the checkout sign. Next, we immediately fill the gasoline into our car and the engine will automatically emit gasoline according to the amount we buy and will stop automatically according to the amount of gasoline that we buy.3.
No honking. One of the driving cultures in Malaysia is the distance of honking. The horn is only used when the emergency is like a hazard light and do not be surprised if we rarely hear the horn during driving in Malaysia.
Put another rider first. When we will turn, then we have to wait for the turn, until there is no vehicle because of the habits of Malaysian riders always put the other riders so we must be patient.
Free air contents and no nitrogen. In Malaysia, the air for tire pressure can be done at gas stations or tire shops and all for free. But we will not find nitrogen filling in Malaysia, so we when driving on the Toll road should be careful because the usual air are more vulnerable and slightly unsafe. So little tips and descriptions about exploring Malaysia by vehicle or car. Maybe useful. Hatur Nuhun.
# ExploreMalaysia #Private car
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