Terlampir opini tentang mahasiswa sebagai Agent of Change yang saya sampaikan pada saat rapat kerja PPI Malaysia Tahun 2017-2018 di Kuala Lumpur. Opini ini juga dimuat dalam website PPI Malaysia >> http://ppi-malaysia.org/berita-acara/view/maha-siswa-sebagai-agent-of-change--6/
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Menerima Serifikat dari Ketua PPI Malaysia |
Adhani, SH., MH.[2]
Indonesia sejak pra-kemerdekaan hingga saat ini di era reformasi, tidak akan
terlepas dari perjuangan para pemuda dan juga mahasiswa. Kita mugkin sudah
sering membaca dalam buku sejarah bagaimana para pemuda dan juga mahasiswa
berjuang membela rakyat. Perjuangan pemuda dan mahasiswa yang secara konsisten
dan terus menerus berjuang membela rakyat, seolah-olah menjadi bagian wajib
yang harus selalu ada dalam upaya untuk terus menggalang kekuatan bersama
rakyat dan berjalan beriringan mengawal tegaknya keadilan bagi rakyat
paling dekat dan mudah diingat adalah bagaimana perjuangan mahasiswa sebagai “agent of change” dalam menegakan
keadilan bersama rakyat yaitu pada saat peristiwa Reformasi Tahun 1998. Pada
saat itu kekuatan mahasiswa begitu “dahsyat” sehingga dapat menumbangkan rezim
otoriter yang telah berkuasa selama 32 tahun dan menghasilkan era reformasi
yang saat ini kita nikmati bersama. Kini setelah masuk era reformasi, maka
perjuangan mahasiswa pastinya akan terus berlanjut dan tongkat kepemimpinan
pergerakan mahasiswa akan selalu berlanjut pula dari satu mahasiswa ke
mahasiswa yang lain. Mahasiswa sebagai agen perubahan akan selalu dinantikan
oleh rakyat Indonesia untuk selalu membantu dan menjadi garda terdepan dalam
hal membela dan menegakan keadilan bagi rakyat Indonesia.
sebagai “mahluk yang paling diuntungkan” tentu akan terus melakukan
transformasi mengikuti trend
perkembangan zaman. Tentu kita tidak bisa menyamakan pola perjuangan
teman-teman mahasiswa di era pergerakan kemerdekaan, era orde lama, era orde
baru, era reformasi dan sekarang di era digitalisasi. Style mahasiswa di awal era reformasi (1997/1998) tentu tidak bisa
disamakan dengan style mahasiswa saat
ini di zaman now, namun yang masih tetap
bisa kita samakan adalah harapan bahwa mahasiswa akan selalu akan mempunyai visi
dan misi yang sama dan akan selalu abadi yaitu sebagai agen perubahan dalam
upaya untuk menegakan keadilan dan akan selalu siap untuk membantu masyarakat,
bangsa dan negara.
S1 yang rata-rata berusia antara 19 s.d. 23 tahun menjadi palang pintu terakhir
dalam upaya membangun karakter bangsa ke depan, karena merekalah yang akan meneruskan
estafet kepemimpinan bangsa Indonesia. Kita bisa melihat para pemimpin sekarang
rata-rata usia mereka antara 40 s.d. 45 tahun dan kalo kita coba menghitung
mundur ke belakang, maka mereka pada saat menjadi mahasiswa adalah pada saat
tahun 1993 s.d. tahun 1998. Mereka adalah “generasi emas reformasi” yang pada
saat mereka menjadi mahasiswa pergerakan mahasiswa berada di titik paling
tinggi atau puncak sehingga pada saat itu mereka bersama-sama bergerak untuk
menumbangkan orde baru dan memunculkan era reformasi.
Organisasi Mahasiswa
mahasiswa termasuk organisasi yang sangat unik dan penuh dengan tantangan.
Organisasi mahasiswa tidak bisa disamakan dengan organisasi siswa intra sekolah
(OSIS) pada saat kita sekolah di SMA ataupun SMP. Organisasi mahasiswa adalah
organisasi yang mandiri dan syarat dengan tantangan. Pada saat kita masuk
kampus, maka kita akan dipertemukan dengan berbagai organisasi mahasiswa yang
sangat beragam, mulai dari organisasi yang hanya sekedar menyalurkan hobi
sampai dengan organisasi kader yang katanya menjadi bagian dari underground nya partai politik tertentu.
dari begitu banyaknya berbagai organisasi yang ada di dalam kampus,
kecenderungan mahasiswa akan memilih atau ikut aktif dalam 1 (satu) sampai 4
(empat) organisasi dan biasanya yang akan aktif sampai nanti lulus kuliah hanya
tersisa 1 (satu) organisasi. Contohnya
kalo di Indonesia, mahasiswa akan memilih organisasi kader (HMI, IMM, PMII,
PII, GMNI, KAMMI), organisasi hobi (UKM Musik, English, Olahraga, Drumband,
Bela Diri, Mapala), organisasi student
goverment (BEM, Presiden mahasiswa, Senat Mahasiswa) dan organisasi kedaerahan
(KPM, IKPM, dll.).
yang “pencinta” ataupun “penggila” organisasi pasti akan berupaya masuk dan
aktif ke dalam 4 (empat) organisasi tersebut dan berupaya untuk memimpin
organisasi tersebut. Bisa dibayangkan bagaiman mereka membagi waktu antara
kuliah dan organisasi, bisa dikatakan “mudah-mudah susah” ataupun “susah-susah mudah”.
Biasanya mahasiswa yang aktif organisasi akan mengorbankan waktu belajarnya dan
lebih fokus ke organisasi sehingga pada akhirnya mereka akan lulus tidak tepat
waktu dan malah mendapatkan gelar tambahan yaitu MA (“Mahasiswa Abadi”).
Rata-rata mereka akan lulus dalam kurun waktu 5 s.d. 6 tahun.
harapan kita sebagai mahasiswa pasti akan selalu berupaya untuk lulus tepat
waktu, namun dengan pola pendidikan yang ada saat ini di Indonesia,
kecenderungan untuk lulus tepat waktu hanya diperuntukan untuk mahasiswa yang
minimalis yaitu mahasiswa yang tidak aktif sama sekali di organisasi karena
mereka hanya fokus ke study saja. Ini berbeda dengan mahasiswa plus yang aktif
di berbagai organisasi yang terkadang mengorbankan masa study nya demi organisasi.
Padahal seharusnya mahasiswa yang paling ideal adalah mahasiswa yang menjadi
aktifis dan juga mempunyai IPK 4, mungkin hanya 1 dari 1000 mahasiswa yang ada.
mahasiswa adalah merupakan bagian kecil dari sebuah pembelajaran cara
berorganisasi untuk nantinya akan beralih ke organisasi yang lebih besar. Roda organisasi akan dijalankan sesuai dengan
koridor organisasi dengan mengikuti aturan yang telah disepakati bersama yang
tertuang dalam sebuah aturan baku yang bernama Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran
Rumah Tangga (AD/ART). Hampir semua organisasi mahasiswa mempunyai AD/ART.
Seperti yang kita tahu bahwa AD ART adalah acuan awal bagiamana kita seharusnya
menjalankan sebuah organisasi. Mulai dari penentuan struktur organisasi sampai
dengan pola pergantian kepemimpinan. Ini tentunya tidaklah jauh berbeda dengan
pola pengaturan organisasi yang bernama Negara, dimana semua negara memiliki
acuan baku yang harus dijalankan yang termuat dalam konstitusi negara (UUD
mahasiswa yang aktif dalam organisasi pastinya dapat menjalankan roda
organisasi dengan baik apabila semuanya mengikuti alur atau berpatokan kepada
AD/ART yang ada. Setiap mahasiswa yang aktif dan mendapatkan amanah menjadi
pemimpin dalam organisasi akan berupaya maksimal menjalankan roda organisasi
dengan baik dan pada akhir masa jabatan/kepengurusan akan mempertanggung
jawabkan hasil kinerjanya dalam sebuah laporan pertanggung jawaban (LPJ) dalam
rapat permusyawaratan anggota atau dalam sebuah event besar yang bernama
musyawarah nasional atau musyawarah tertinggi ataupun kongres.
untuk menjalankan roda organisasi dibutuhkan kemampuan lebih dari pimpinan atau
pemimpin organisasi tersebut. Pemimpin organisasi harus bisa me-manage seluruh
supporting organisasinya mulai dari wakil ketua, sekjen, bendahara, kordinator
hingga anggota. Dibutuhkan tenaga ekstra dari pemimpin organisasi untuk dapat
menjalankan roda organisasinya dengan baik sehingga pada saat akhir masa
kepengurusan organisasi, LPJ mereka dapat diterima dan dijadikan contoh bagi
penerus organisasi selanjutnya. Tentunya dalam organisasi mahasiswa, juga
syarat dengan berbagai intrik dan kepentingan yang terkadang dapat memecah
belah organisasi itu sendiri.
karena itu untuk meminimalisir terjadinya perpecahan, maka harus dibangun pola
manajerial organisasi yang baik dengan melibatkan seluruh pengurus. Pola “checks and balances” yang juga dipakai
dalam pola struktur negara tentunya bisa juga dijadikan pegangan bagi ketua
atau pemimpin organiasi mahasiswa. Setiap kepala bidang ataupun koordinator
mempunyai kewajiban yang sama untuk me-manage anggotanya agar bisa bekerja
maksimal menjalankan semua program yang ada yang telah disepakati dalam rapat
yang menjadi kelemahan dalam organisasi mahasiswa yang notabene tidak memiliki
dana khusus (bukan organisai intra kampus) adalah kurang adanya support dana
untuk menjalankan program kerja, ditambah lagi dengan adanya upaya untuk
membuat program kerja yang terkadang agak sulit dicapai alias “bombastis”
padahal apabila melihat dari sisi kepentingan organisasi maka program tersebut
boleh dikatakan tidak penting-penting amat. Hal lain yanng juga menjadi titik
lemah organisasi mahasiswa yang independent
adalah lemahnya kontrol dari penasehat, padahal dalam sebuah organiasi independent yang notabene tidak ada
lembaga pengawas, maka peran penasehat menjadi sangat penting untuk mengawasi
dan memberi masukan kepada pengurus.
apabila pola pengawasan atau kotrol dari penasehat sulit diwujudkan, maka mau
tidak mau dalam forum musyawarah tertinggi harus dicetuskan lembaga pengawas
yang ditugaskan secara khusus menjadi partner kepengurusan yang bertugas
mengawasi dan dicantumkan dalam AD ART organisasi.
semua koridor organisasi dalam hal ini AD/ART, GBHO ataupun rekomendasi hasil
musyawarah telah dijalankan dengan baik dan program kerja dijalankan dengan
berpatokan kepada hasil rapat kerja, maka secara otomatis organisasi tersebut
akan berjalan dengan baik pula.
Perbedaan Organisasi Mahasiswa di Dalam
dan Luar Negeri
ada perbedaan yang sangat mencolok antara organiasai mahasiswa Indonesia yang
melakukan study di dalam dan luar negeri. Teman-teman mahasiswa yang study di
luar negeri lebih cenderung fokus ke study-nya dibandingkan ke organisasi,
tentu dengan berbagai alasan yang logis yang semua memahami dan memaklumi.
Namun hal tersebut tidak bisa juga menjadi patokan bahwa mahasiswa yang kuliah
di dalam negeri dan aktif di organisai lebih baik dan lebih unggul.
dasarnya organisasi adalah media untuk menyalurkan ide dan gagasan yang
terkadang tidak kita dapatkan pada saat belajar di bangku kuliah. “Maha-siswa”
tentu membutuhkan media lain untuk menyalurkan ide dan gagasannya. Masyarakat
kita selalu berpandaangan bahwa mahasiswa akan selalu “kritis” dan memiliki
kepedulian lebih terhadap masyarakat, lebih unggul dan lebih bisa diandalkan. Hal
tersebut tentunya menjadi acuan dasar agar kita selaku mahasiswa bisa
memberikan nilai yang lebih pula terhadap masyarakat. Jangan sampai kita
saebagai mahasiswa “tidak pede” bicara di depan publik ataupun tidak bisa
membuat proposal atapun surat formil, padahal harapan masyarakat pastinya akan
selalu berpandangan bahwa mahasiswa adalah siswa yang “serba maha” dan “serba
melihat sekilas organisasi mahasiswa yang ada di berbagai universitas di
Malaysia, pada dasarnya hampir mirip dengan organisasi mahasiswa di Indonesia,
diantaranya adalah adanya “student
goverment” atau pemerintahan mahasiswa, dimana calon pemimpin dalam
organisasi dipilih secara langsung oleh masyarakat mahasiswa, begitupun di
student goverment, di Universitas di
Malaysia juga banyak unit kegiatan mahasiswa yang dibentuk berdasarkan hobi
mahasiswa seperti UKM accoustic, sepakbola, pencak silat dan UKM lainnya. Satu
hal yang btidak ada adalah organisasi kader seperti IMM, HMI, PMII, GMNI di
Indonesia. Organisasi pengkaderan yang sangat banyak di Indonesia tentu menjadi
nilai plus tersendiri bagi kita mahasiswa Indonesia karena pergerakan
organisasi kader lebih progresif dibandingkan organisasi non kader, meskipun
terkadang juga di Indonesia organisai kader ini seringkali katanya dijadikan “sayap”
dari organisasi politik besar yang ada di Indonesia.
Mahasiswa adalah Calon Pemimpin Masa
pemimpin memang selalu identik dengan organisasi atau kumpulan orang. Mulai
dari keluarga, RT, RW, desa hingga Negara. Tentunya kita banyak belajar dan
mengambil hikmah dari kepemimpinan orang tua kita masing-masing.
kita dalam kandungan hingga saat ini kita dewasa, orang tua menjadi figur
sentral dalam membentuk karakter diri kita sebagai pemimpin. Ibu dan ayah kita
berupaya semaksimal mungkin menjadikan kita menjadi anak yang soleh/solehah, sukses
dan berhasil. Hingga saat kita dewasa tetap saja kita masih meminta bantuan
kepada orang tua dalam hal apapun. Bukan hanya ketika susah namun dalam keadaan
senang pun kita masih selalu merepotkan orang tua. Begitupun teman-teman semua
para mahasiswa pengurus PPIM yang mengikuti kegiatan ini, pastinya belum bisa
lepas 100% dari bantuan orang tua.
tua kita adalah figur sental pemimpin yang pertama kali kita kenal dan yang
mempengaruhi gaya kepemimpinan kita selanjutnya.
beranjak dewasa, saat kita berada di bangku sekolah, mulailah kita mengenal
figur pemimpin lain, salah satunya Guru kita. Pasti teman-teman semua akan
selalu mengenang salah seorang Guru SD, Guru SMP dan SMA yang dianggap guru
terbaik karena mereka sangat sayang dengan kita seperti halnya orang tua kita
menyayangi kita.
ada juga diantara teman-teman semua, yang mulai sejak TK, SD. SMP, atau SMA
telah menjadi pemimpin, contohnya menjadi ketua kelas, ketua regu pramuka,
pemimpin upacara, atau pemimpin organisasi di tingkat sekolah seperti OSIS,
Pramuka, PMR, Paskibra dan unit kegiatan lain yang berada di lingkup sekolah. Hal
tersebut menjadi cikal bakal pembentukan karakter kepemimpinan saat berada di
bangku kuliah. Siswa yang aktif saat SD, SMP atau SMA pasti akan menjadi
aktifis juga saat kuliah. Namun ada juga yang saat sekolah tidak menjadi
apa-apa tapi saat kuliah menjadi aktifis mahasiswa yang luar biasa.
dalam sebuah organisasi saat duduk di bangku kuliah adalah sebuah pilihan dan modal
awal untuk menjadi pemimpin di masa depan, oleh karena dengan masuk organisasi
mahasiswa maka secara otomatis jiwa kepemimpinan akan terasah dan dengan
sendirinya kemampuan manajerial organisasi juga akan terasah sehingga apabila
suatu saat nantinya akan masuk dunia kerja ataupun masuk dalam organisasi yang
lebih besar maka para mantan aktifis mahasiswa dengan sendirinya sudah ready untuk mensupport dan memback-up
organisasi yang mereka masuki dan pastinya akan dengan mudah mencapai prestasi
dan karir yang lebih cemerlang dibandingkan saat mereka menjadi aktifis dalam
organisasi mahasiswa.
teman-teman pengurus PPI Malaysia periode 2017-2018 dapat menjalankan amanah
kepengurusan dengan baik dan insha Allah 10 tahun atau 20 tahun ke depan dapat
memimpin Indonesia, membantu rakyat Indonesia dan berbakti kepada bangsa dan
negara Indonesia. Amin.
English Subtitle :
The history of Indonesia from pre-independence to the present in the reform era, will not be separated from the struggle of the youth and also students. We may often read in history books how young men and students struggle to defend the people. The struggle of youth and students who consistently and continuously struggle to defend the people, as if a mandatory part that must always exist in an effort to continue to mobilize forces with the people and go hand in hand with the upholding of justice for the people of Indonesia.
The closest and easy to remember is how students struggle as an agent of change in upholding justice with the people at the time of the 1998 Reformation. At that time the power of the students was so "powerful" that it could overthrow the authoritarian regime that had been in power for 32 years and result in an era of reform that we now enjoy together. Now after entering the reform era, the student struggle will certainly continue and the leadership stick of student movement will always continue from one student to another student. Students as agents of change will always be awaited by the people of Indonesia to always help and be the front guard in terms of defending and upholding justice for the people of Indonesia.
Students as "the most beneficiary" will certainly continue to transform the trend of the times. Of course, we can not equate the pattern of the struggle of student friends in the era of the independence movement, the old order era, the new order era, the era of reform and now in the era of digitalization. The style of students at the beginning of the reform era (1997/1998) certainly cannot be equated with the current student styles in this day and age, but still we can equate the hope that the students will always have the same vision and mission and will always be eternal as agents of change in an effort to uphold justice and will always be ready to help the community, nation and state.
Undergraduate students are on average aged between 19 s.d. The 23-year-old became the last doorstep in an effort to build the character of the nation forward because they are the ones who will continue the leadership of the Indonesian nation. We can see leaders now their average age between 40 s.d. 45 years and if we try to count backwards, then they at the time of being a student is at the time of 1993 s.d. in 1998. They are the "golden generation of reformation" which as they become student movement is at its highest or peak so that at that time they together move to overthrow the new order and bring up the reform era.
Student organizationsThe student organization includes a very unique and challenging organization. Student organizations can not be equated with intra-school student organizations (OSIS) when we go to high school or junior high school. Student organizations are self-reliant organizations and requirements with challenges. At the time we enter the campus, then we will be met with a variety of student organizations are very diverse, ranging from organizations that merely channelling hobbies to cadre organizations that he said became part of his underground certain political parties.
Usually, from so many different organizations on campus, the tendency of students will choose or participate actively in 1 (one) to 4 (four) organizations and usually will be active until college graduate only remaining 1 (one) organization. For example, in Indonesia, students will choose a cadre organization (HMI, IMM, PMII, PII, GMNI, KAMMI), hobby organizations (UKM Music, English, Sports, Drumband, Martial Arts, Mapala), student government organizations (BEM, , Student Senate) and regional organizations (KPM, IKPM, etc.).
Students who are "lovers" or "enthusiasts" of the organization will undoubtedly seek to enter and be active into these 4 (four) organizations and strive to lead the organization. Can imagine how they divide the time between lectures and organizations, can be said "easy-easy difficult" or "easy bother". Usually, an active student organization will sacrifice their study time and focus more on the organization so that in the end they will pass not on time and even get an additional degree of MA ("Eternal Student"). On average they will pass within 5 s.d. 6 years.
Of course, our hope as a student will always try to pass on time, but with the current education pattern in Indonesia, the tendency to pass on time is only for students who are minimalist students who are not active at all in the organization because they only focus on study course. This is different from the plus students who are active in various organizations that sometimes sacrifice their study period for the sake of the organization. Whereas it should be the ideal student is a student who became an activist and also has a GPA of 4, maybe only 1 out of 1000 students there.
The student organization is a small part of a learning how to organize to eventually move on to larger organizations. The organization wheel will be run in accordance with the corridor of the organization by following the mutually agreed rules contained in a standard rule called Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD / ART). Almost all student organizations have AD / ART. As we know that AR ART is the first reference for how we should run an organization. Starting from the determination of the organizational structure to the pattern of leadership change. This is certainly not much different from the pattern of organizational arrangements called the State, where all countries have a standard reference that must be implemented contained in the constitution of the state (the 1945 Constitution).
All students who are active in the organization must be able to run the organization well if everything follows the flow or based on the existing AD / ART. Any student who is active and entrusted to be a leader in the organization will make the best effort to run the organization well and at the end of the term / stewardship will be responsible for the results of its performance in a liability report (LPJ) in member consultative meeting or in a big event named national deliberation or the highest musyawarah or Congress.
Of course, to run the organization requires more ability than the leader or leaders of the organization. Organizational leaders must be able to manage all the supporting organizations from the vice chairman, secretary general, treasurer, coordinator to members. It takes extra effort from organizational leaders to be able to run the wheel organization well so that at the end of the organization stewardship period, LPJ they can be accepted and used as an example for the successor of the next organization. Certainly, in student organizations, it is also a requirement with a variety of intrigues and interests that can sometimes divide the organization itself.
Therefore, to minimize the occurrence of disunity, it must be built a good managerial organizational pattern by involving all administrators. Pattern "checks and balances" which is also used in the structure of the state, of course, can also be used as a handle for the chairman or leader of the student's organise. Each head of the field or coordinator has the same obligation to manage its members in order to work maximally running all existing programs that have been agreed in the work meeting.
Usually the weaknesses in student organizations that incidentally do not have special funds (not intra-campus organization) is lack of fund support to run the work program, coupled with the effort to create a work program that is sometimes rather difficult to achieve alias "bombastic" view from the side of the interests of the organization then the program may not be considered very important. Another thing that is also a weak point of an independent student organization is the lack of control of advisors, whereas, in an independent organization that is not actually a supervisory institution, the advisory role becomes very important to supervise and give input to the board. Of course, if the pattern of supervision or control of the advisor is difficult to realize, so inevitably in the highest musyawarah forum should be triggered a supervisory agency specifically assigned to be a stewardship partner in charge of overseeing and included in the organization AR ART.Apabila all organization corridors, in this case, AD / ART, GBHO or recommendation of the results of the deliberation has been well executed and work programs run with the basis of the results of work meetings, then automatically the organization will run well too.
Usually, from so many different organizations on campus, the tendency of students will choose or participate actively in 1 (one) to 4 (four) organizations and usually will be active until college graduate only remaining 1 (one) organization. For example, in Indonesia, students will choose a cadre organization (HMI, IMM, PMII, PII, GMNI, KAMMI), hobby organizations (UKM Music, English, Sports, Drumband, Martial Arts, Mapala), student government organizations (BEM, , Student Senate) and regional organizations (KPM, IKPM, etc.).
Students who are "lovers" or "enthusiasts" of the organization will undoubtedly seek to enter and be active into these 4 (four) organizations and strive to lead the organization. Can imagine how they divide the time between lectures and organizations, can be said "easy-easy difficult" or "easy bother". Usually, an active student organization will sacrifice their study time and focus more on the organization so that in the end they will pass not on time and even get an additional degree of MA ("Eternal Student"). On average they will pass within 5 s.d. 6 years.
Of course, our hope as a student will always try to pass on time, but with the current education pattern in Indonesia, the tendency to pass on time is only for students who are minimalist students who are not active at all in the organization because they only focus on study course. This is different from the plus students who are active in various organizations that sometimes sacrifice their study period for the sake of the organization. Whereas it should be the ideal student is a student who became an activist and also has a GPA of 4, maybe only 1 out of 1000 students there.
The student organization is a small part of a learning how to organize to eventually move on to larger organizations. The organization wheel will be run in accordance with the corridor of the organization by following the mutually agreed rules contained in a standard rule called Articles of Association and Bylaws (AD / ART). Almost all student organizations have AD / ART. As we know that AR ART is the first reference for how we should run an organization. Starting from the determination of the organizational structure to the pattern of leadership change. This is certainly not much different from the pattern of organizational arrangements called the State, where all countries have a standard reference that must be implemented contained in the constitution of the state (the 1945 Constitution).
All students who are active in the organization must be able to run the organization well if everything follows the flow or based on the existing AD / ART. Any student who is active and entrusted to be a leader in the organization will make the best effort to run the organization well and at the end of the term / stewardship will be responsible for the results of its performance in a liability report (LPJ) in member consultative meeting or in a big event named national deliberation or the highest musyawarah or Congress.
Of course, to run the organization requires more ability than the leader or leaders of the organization. Organizational leaders must be able to manage all the supporting organizations from the vice chairman, secretary general, treasurer, coordinator to members. It takes extra effort from organizational leaders to be able to run the wheel organization well so that at the end of the organization stewardship period, LPJ they can be accepted and used as an example for the successor of the next organization. Certainly, in student organizations, it is also a requirement with a variety of intrigues and interests that can sometimes divide the organization itself.
Therefore, to minimize the occurrence of disunity, it must be built a good managerial organizational pattern by involving all administrators. Pattern "checks and balances" which is also used in the structure of the state, of course, can also be used as a handle for the chairman or leader of the student's organise. Each head of the field or coordinator has the same obligation to manage its members in order to work maximally running all existing programs that have been agreed in the work meeting.
Usually the weaknesses in student organizations that incidentally do not have special funds (not intra-campus organization) is lack of fund support to run the work program, coupled with the effort to create a work program that is sometimes rather difficult to achieve alias "bombastic" view from the side of the interests of the organization then the program may not be considered very important. Another thing that is also a weak point of an independent student organization is the lack of control of advisors, whereas, in an independent organization that is not actually a supervisory institution, the advisory role becomes very important to supervise and give input to the board. Of course, if the pattern of supervision or control of the advisor is difficult to realize, so inevitably in the highest musyawarah forum should be triggered a supervisory agency specifically assigned to be a stewardship partner in charge of overseeing and included in the organization AR ART.Apabila all organization corridors, in this case, AD / ART, GBHO or recommendation of the results of the deliberation has been well executed and work programs run with the basis of the results of work meetings, then automatically the organization will run well too.
Differences of Student Organizations at Home and Abroad
Of course, there is a very striking difference between Indonesian student organization conducting the study at home and abroad. Student friends who study abroad are more likely to focus on their study than on the organization, certainly with a variety of logical reasons that all understand and understand. But it can not also be a benchmark that college students in the country and active in the organization better and more superior.
Basically, the organization is a medium for channelling ideas and ideas that sometimes we do not get when studying in college. "Supreme students" would need other media to channel their ideas and ideas. Our society has always assumed that students will always be "critical" and have more concern for the community, are superior and more dependable. It is certainly a basic reference for us as students can provide more value to the community. Do not let us as students "not confident" to speak in public or cannot make a proposal or formal letters, whereas the expectations of the community will certainly always hold that students are "all-around" and "all-around" students.
If you see at a glance the student organizations that exist in various universities in Malaysia, basically almost similar to student organizations in Indonesia, including the "student government" or student administration, where prospective leaders in the organization directly elected by the student community, as well as in Indonesia.
In addition to student government, at the University of Malaysia, there are also many student activities units formed based on student hobbies such as acoustic, soccer, martial arts and other SMEs. One thing that does not exist is the organization of cadres like IMM, HMI, PMII, GMNI in Indonesia. The very large cadre organization in Indonesia certainly becomes a plus for Indonesian students because the movement of cadre organization is more progressive than the nation-Kader organization, although sometimes also in Indonesia this cadre organization is often said to be the "wing" of a big political organization in Indonesia.
A student is a Future Leader Candidate
Being a leader is always synonymous with an organization or a group of people. Starting from family, RT, RW, village to Country. Surely we learn a lot and take lessons from the leadership of our respective parents.
Since we are in the womb until now we are adults, parents become central figures in shaping our character as a leader. Our mom and dad make every effort to make us a good, successful and successful child. Until the time we grew still we still ask for help to parents in any case. Not only when it's hard but in happy circumstances, we are still always troublesome parents. Likewise friends of all PPIM management students who follow this activity, certainly cannot be separated 100% of parental assistance.
Our parents are the central figures of leaders we first know and who influence our next leadership style.
As we grow up, when we are in school, we begin to recognize other leaders, one of our Master. Surely all my friends will always remember one of the elementary teachers, junior high and high school teachers who is considered the best teachers because they love us so much as our parents love us.
Maybe there are also among friends all, who started kindergarten, elementary school. Junior high school or senior high school has become a leader, for example being the head of the class, the head of the scout team, ceremonial leader, or organizational leaders at the school level such as OSIS, Scouting, PMR, Paskibra and other units of activity within the scope of the school. It became the forerunner to the formation of leadership character while in college. Students who are active when elementary, junior or high school will definitely be an activist also during college. But there are also when the school does not become anything but when the college became a student activist extraordinary.
Entry in an organization while sitting in college is an option and initial capital to become a leader in the future, because by entering student organizations then automatically leadership will be honed and by itself organizational managerial skills will also be honed so that when one day will enter the world of work or enter into a larger organization then the former student activists by itself are ready to support and backup organizations that they enter and will certainly easily achieve a more brilliant achievement and career than when they become activists in student organizations.
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