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Perawatan di Ruang ICU |
Selasa, 19 Januari 2016, pukul
16.30 WIB di tengah kesibukan menangani perkara sengketa Pilkada di Mahkamah
Konstitusi, handphone saya berdering dan terlihat nama Ijay (my brother). Ada
perasaan yang tidak enak memang ketika akan mengangkat telepon tersebut,
meskipun saya hanya menebak bahwa pasti ada berita yang tidak menggembirakan.
Ijay, hanya bilang, “aa saur teh memey aqeel geubis tapi tangan
ma kaki nya gak bisa gerak ayeuna bade dicanak ka UGD Hermina Bekasi”.
Kaget, bingung, sedih semua bercampur jadi satu dalam benak hati. Waktu itu
hanya satu yang ada dalam pikiran ku, kenapa lagi aqeel?
Anakku aqeel memang termasuk anak
yang luar biasa, sudah sering di terpa cobaan kesehatan sejak bayi hingga usia
9 tahun sekarang ini. Pada saat usia 8 bulan sudah harus di operasi hernia,
usia 4 tahun di operasi sirkumsisi, dan usia 7 tahun juga harus di operasi usus
buntu Belum asma nya yang terkadang masih menganggu aktifitasnya sehingga aqeel
tidak bisa full beraktifitas karena kalo terlalu cape asmanya akan kambuh.
Singkat cerita
saya pun bergegas pulang dari kantor Mahkamah Konstitusi menuju ke RS Hermina
Bekasi menggunakan Commuterline Jakarta-Bekasi. Ditengah perjalanan istri saya
menelepon, menanyakan sampai dimana?, saya menjawab masih di KRL baru nyampe Manggarai.
Saya pun menanyakan bagaimana kedaan aqeel? Bagaimana kejadiannya? Apakah aqeel
jatuh?, istri saya bilang saat ini sudah di UGD dan sedang ditangani dokter,
dan istri saya pun bilang tidak tahu pasti apakah aqeel jatuh atau tidak karena
pada saat dibawa ke rumah kondisi aqeel secara kasat mata baik-baik saja hanya keseimbangan
tubuhnya tidak ada, kaki dan tangan kirinya tidak bisa digerakan dan tubuh sebelah kirinya seperti kaku.
Sesampai di UGD saya melihat
aqeel sudah di infus dan sedang menangis, istri saya sedikit agak tenang, saya
pun langsung ke aqeel, saya bilang, kaka tenang ya, insha Allah kaka akan
baik-baik saja. Saat itu aqeel sudah di CT Scan dan hasil CT scan juga sudah ada,
bila dilihat CT Scan dalam otak aqeel terlihat seperti lubang hitam yang agak
besar di otak sebelah kiri. Menurut dokter umum kemungkinan aqeel kena stroke
sehingga pembuluh darahnya pecah. Lubang hitam tersebut adalah gumpalan darah
yang pecah.
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Hasil CT Scan |
Saat itu dokter umum UGD langsung
mengkonsultasikan ke dokter specialis anak dan juga dokter bedah syaraf dan
singkat cerita aqeel harus segera ditangani di ruang ICU agar penanganan dan
tindakannya bisa intens, tepat dan cepat.
Masuk ruang ICU memang sesuatu
yang paling mengerikan disamping ruang operasi, saya sendiri gugup dan stress,
saya tidak membayangkan aqeel yang sudah sangat sering keluar masuk rumah
sakit, saya melihat ada rasa trauma dalam diri aqeel ketika masuk ruang ICU,
dia menangis dan “memanggil bunda-bunda,
aqeel jangan ditinggal.... bunda-bunda “.
Istri saya menangis dan saya pun
tidak kuasa untuk menahan tangis ini. Dalam hati saya bergumam “Ya Rabb begitu banyak cobaan yang kau
berikan pada anaku Aqeel”
Di ruang ICU khusus anak RS
Hermina, aqeel langsung diberikan obat khusus agar otaknya tidak bengkak,
menurut dokter di ICU aqeel akan terus di kontrol dan dipantau dan kita sebagai
orang tua diminta untuk menunggu di ruang tunggu dan apabila dibutuhkan akan
Saya, istri dan adik saya akhirnya
giliran menunggu di ruang tunggu ICU. Panggilan dari ruang ICU untuk saya dan
istri hampir 1 jam sekali karena aqeel gelisah dan terus memanggil kami. Malam
pertama adalah malam yang paling menegangkan karena aqeel marah, nangis dan
kesakitan, dokter dan suster di ruang ICU tidak bisa menenangkan aqeel sehingga
mau tidak mau istri dan saya yang harus menenangkan dan ikut menunggu di Ruang
Hasil CT scan yang sudah ada
menurut dokter specialis anak dan dokter bedah syaraf belum bisa menggambarkan
apa sebenarnya penyebab aqeel stroke. Aqeel pun diminta untuk di cek lagi
dengan metode MRI yang berada di RS Premier Jatinegara.
Hari kedua kami diantar dengan
ambulan ke RS Premier Jatinegara untuk MRI. Proses MRI tidak terlalu lama hanya
sekitar 45 menit karena aqeel tidak di bius sehingga proses MRI sangat cepat.
Hasil MRI mengindikasikan aqeel
kena AVM. Menurut dokter bedah syaraf, AVM [Arteriovenous Malformations]
merupakan kelainan pada jalinan pembuluh darah arteri yang berhubungan secara
langsung ke pembuluh darah vena, tanpa intervensi kapiler, yang mengakibatkan
derasnya aliran dan resistensi yang
rendah. Menurut dokter, kelainan sirkulasi ini membuat AVM rawan pecah dan bisa
menyebabkan pendarahan otak. Menurut dokter, penyebab pasti terjadinya AVM
sampai saat ini belum diketahui secara pasti, Umumnya disebabkan oleh kelainan
kongenital bawaan yang terjadi pada janin sehingga seseorang lahir dengan
kelainan tersebut.
Itulah sekilas penyakit yang di
derita oleh aqeel. Menurut dokter penanganannya bisa dengan operasi atau juga
sinar laser.
“Kami pun kembali menghela napas panjang, operasi lagi? Apa iya?....
aqeel sudah beberapa kali di operasi, apa iya harus di operasi lagi?....”
Bagi saya dan istri bila
mendengar kata operasi langsung nyali jadi ciut, gak tega rasanya bila harus
melihat lagi aqeel di operasi, apalagi sekarang operasi di otak yang tingkat
akurasi penyembuhannya masih diragukan karena berdasarkan refererensi yang saya
baca operasi otak sangat sulit dan kecenduranganya pasien tidak bertahan lama
hidup. Itulah bayangan yang ada di benak saya dan istri.
Dokter di RS Hermina yang
menangani aqeel memang tidak merekomendasikan aqeel untuk segera di operasi
karena saat ini tidak urgent untuk operasi hanya menginfokan bahwa penyembuhan
AVM biasanya lewat operasi atau dengan sinar laser.
Saya pun akhirnya banyak bertanya
dan berkonsultasi denga beberapa teman dokter dari alumni Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta [UMY] dan juga dokter di poliklinik Mahkamah
Konstitusi. Akhirnya saya dan istri bersepakat bahwa target utama saat ini
adalah aqeel bisa pulang ke rumah, kembali sehat dan rawat jalan. Tangan dan
kakinya yang tidak bisa digerakan akan kami latih dengan metode fisioterafi dan
psikologisnya juga akan kami pulihkan dulu sembari menunggu solusi terbaik
untuk penyembuhan AVM tersebut.
Aqeel di rawat di ruang rawat
inap selama 4 hari sehingga total keseluruhan di rawat di RS Hermina selama 8
hari, 4 hari di ICU dan 4 hari di ruang rawat inap.
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Fisioterapi |
Meskipun badan sebelah kiri tidak
berfungsi dengan normal, namun Alhamdulilah pikiran, bicara, dan badan sebelah
kanan normal, sehingga secara kasat mata kita bisa melihat bahwa aqeel seperti
anak yang sehat dan baik-baik saja. Semua hapalan Al Quran masih hapal di luar
kepala dan cara berpikirnya pun masih sangat normal begitupun nada bicaranya
juga masih seperti sebelumnya tetap kritis dan penuh antusias.
Setelah dirawat di rumah, kami
pun dijadwalkan untuk melakukan fisioterapi untuk aqeel di RS Hermina seminggu
2 kali dan di poliklinik Mahkamah Konstitusi seminggu sekali. Kebetulan di
Poliklinik MK juga ada fisioterapi dan dokter syaraf serta dokter rehabilitasi
medik yang membantu dan memberikan saran dan masukan untuk kesembuhan aqeel.
Kami pun dianjurkan membuat alat bantu untuk kaki dan tangan aqeel yang dicetak
khusus agar tangan dan kakinya tidak kaku. Selain itu kami pun membeli bola
kecil untuk melatih genggaman tangan serta kursi roda khusus untuk anak yang
juga bisa dibawa dengan mudah.
Di rumah pun kami kondisikan agar
aqeel nyaman, mulai dari kamar, ruang makan, kamar mandi dan ruang tamu kami
kondisikan untuk juga layak dan nyaman untuk aqeel.
Hari ini tepat 5 minggu aqeel
pasca stroke dan Alhamdulilah banyak kemajuan yang dialami aqeel. Aqeel sudah
bisa jalan dan tangan nya sudah bisa digerakan naik turun. Hanya jari tangannya
aja yang masih belum bisa normal dan sejauh ini hanya bisa menggenggam saja. Mulai
senin kemarin aqeel dah ingin kembali sekolah. Kami pun berkonsultasi ke
sekolah agar aqeel bisa sekolah namun dengan waktu yang boleh dikatakan
terbatas dan tidak full 100% mengingat aqeel memang belum pulih 100%.
Kami selaku orang tua juga
mencoba mencari pendapat berbeda dari dokter lain terkait dengan metode
penyembuhan AVM. Beberapa dokter dan profesor bedah syarat terbaik yang ada di
Jakarta kami hubungi dan kami konsultasikan. Selain itu, untuk mengangkat moral
agar aqeel tidak minder kami pun meminta bantuan psikolog khusus yang kebetulan
adik saya sendiri Reza Kusuma Putra, sehingga seminggu sekali aqeel diajak
sharing ma adik saya agar aqeel tetap pede dan kuat secara mental.
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Kondisi Aqeel Saat ini sebulan setelah rawat jalan |
Selain itu, metode lain yang kami
kembangkan adalah terapi Al Quran. Saya dan istri setiap habis shalat mengajak
aqeel untuk terus membaca Al Quran dan menghapal kembali Al Quran agar daya
ingatnya terhadap Al Quran kembali baik dan bahkan semakin baik karena kami
yakin bahwa Allah SWT pasti akan
membantu proses penyembuhan aqeel. Kami juga yakin salah satu faktor yang
menyebabkan daya ingat aqeel masih baik dan normal karena dia adalah penghapal
al quran.
Kami juga berupaya memberikan
makanan yang benar-benar baik bagi tumbuh kembang aqeel. Makanan yang
mengandung MSG dan tidak sehat jelas kami stop. Tidak membeli makanan dari luar
dan hanya makan makanan yang dimasak di
rumah saja. Selama ini memang kami seringkali memberikan makanan yang tidak
sehat semacam makan cepat saji yang hanya enak di mulut tapi ternyata memiliki
efek yang tidak baik untuk tubuh kembang anak.
Perubahan yang cukup drastis yang
kami hadapi saat ini terkait aqeel, bukan hanya terbatas pada fisiknya
saja tapi yang lebih mengkhawatirkan adalah sifat tambahan yang lain yaitu aqeel
agak pemarah. Kami menemukan bahwa saat ini emosinya cenderung lebih meningkat,
sehingga mau tidak mau kami harus lebih sabar. Dokter Saraf juga mengingatkan agar aqeel jangan dibuat
terlalu cape dan jangan dibuat stress karena takutnya kalo stress dan cape akan
berdampak kembali terhadap pembuluh darah otaknya.
Itu sedikit cerita saya terkait
anak saya aqeel. Mohon doanya dari teman-teman untuk kesembuhan aqeel.
Monas, 26 Februari 2016.
Hanya pada Mu, kami memohon pertolongan.
English Subtitle :
Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 4:30 pm amid the busy handling disputes dispute cases in the Constitutional Court, my phone rang and seen the name Ijay (my brother). There's a bad feeling when I pick up the phone, even though I'm just guessing that there must be some unhappy news.
Ijay, just said, "Aqeel fall down but his foot hand cannot move, now will take to Hospital". Shocked, confused, sad all mixed together in the minds of the heart. That time there was only one in my mind, why Aqeel?
My son Aqeel is an exceptional child, has been in the health of health trials since infancy until the age of nine today. At the age of 8 months had to be in hernia surgery, age 4 years in circumcision surgery, and the age of 7 years should also be in appendectomy surgery. He also got asthma that sometimes still disrupt its activities so that Aqeel cannot be full activity because if too tired asthma will relapse.
A short story, I rushed home from the office of the Constitutional Court to the Hospital Hermina Bekasi using Commuterline Jakarta-Bekasi. Amid the trip my wife called, asking where are you?, I answered still in the train Manggarai Station. I also ask how Aqeel? How did it happen? Is the Aqeel fall ?, my wife says it is already in the ER and is being handled by the doctor, and my wife also said not sure whether the Aqeel fell or not because at the time taken to the home condition Aqeel by plain okay just balance her body there, his left leg and arm cannot be moved and the left side of his body is rigid.
Upon arriving at the ER I saw Aqeel already in the infusion and was crying, my wife a little bit calm, I went straight to Aqeel, I said, Insha Allah you will be fine. At that time Aqeel already in CT Scan and CT scan results also exist, when seen CT Scan in Aqeel brain looks like a rather large black hole in the left brain.
According to a general practitioner, Aqeel may be affected by a stroke so that the blood vessels rupture. The black hole is a blood clot that breaks.
CT scan results
At that time, the general practitioner of the ER immediately consulted a specialist physician and neurosurgeon and brief Aqeel story must be handled immediately in the ICU room so that the handling and action can be intense, precise and fast.
In the ICU room was indeed the most terrible thing besides the operating room, I was nervous and stressed. I did not imagine the aqeel that had been very often came to the hospital. I saw a trauma in Aqeel when entering ICU room, she cried and "Mom, Aqeel do not be left behind .... Mom, mom".
My wife is crying and I can not resist this tear. In my heart mumble "Ya Rabb, Good, so many trials you give to my son Aqeel"
In a special ICU hospital room of Hermina Hospital, the Aqeel is given a special medicine to prevent the brain from swelling, according to doctors in ICU Aqeel will continue to be controlled and monitored and we as parents are required to wait in the waiting room and when needed will be called.
My wife and my sister finally turn to wait in the ICU waiting room. A call from the ICU room for me and my wife was almost an hour since the Aqeel was restless and kept calling us. The first night was the most stressful night because Aqeel was angry, crying and in pain, doctors and nurses in the ICU room could not soothe the Aqeel so inevitably my wife and I had to calm down and wait in the ICU Room.
The results of existing CT scans according to doctors specialist children and neurosurgeons have not been able to describe what is actually the cause of Aqeel stroke. Aqeel was asked to check again with MRI methods that are in Premier Jatinegara Hospital.
The second day we were escorted by ambulance to Hospital Premier Jatinegara for MRI. MRI process is not too long just about 45 minutes because Aqeel is not in the anaesthetic so the MRI process is very fast.
The MRI result indicates the Aqeel is subject to AVM. According to the neurosurgeon, AVM [Arteriovenous Malformations] is an abnormality in the artery embolism linked directly to the venous blood vessels, without capillary intervention, resulting in rapid flow and low resistance.
According to doctors, this circulation disorder makes AVM prone to rupture and can cause cerebral hemorrhage. According to doctors, the exact cause of the occurrence of AVM until now has not been known for certain, Generally caused by congenital abnormalities that occur in the fetus so that a person born with the disorder.
That is a glimpse of the disease suffered by Aqeel. According to the doctor, handling can be with surgery or laser light.
"We went back to sigh, another operation? What is it? .... Aqeel has several times in operation, and now must be in operation again? .... "
For me and my wife when I hear the word of the operation, my guts are so shrunken, I do not have the heart to look at the Aqeel again in surgery, especially now the surgery in the brain whose healing accuracy is still in doubt because based on the references I read brain surgery is very difficult and sometimes patients do not survive long life. That is the image that is in my mind and wife.
Doctors at Hermina Hospital who handle Aqeel does not recommend Aqeel for immediate surgery because it is not urgent for surgery to just confirm that healing of AVM is usually via surgery or with laser light.
I finally asked many questions and consulted with some doctor friends from the alumni of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta [UMY] and also a doctor at the polyclinic of the Constitutional Court. Finally, my wife and I agreed that the main target at this time is the Aqeel can go home, back healthy and outpatient.
Her hands and feet that can not be moved will be trained with physiotherapy and psychological methods will also be restored while waiting for the best solution for healing the AVM.
Aqeel was treated in the inpatient for 4 days so that the overall total was treated in Hermina Hospital for 8 days, 4 days in ICU and 4 days in the inpatient room.
Although the left side is not functioning normally, Alhamdulilah the mind, speech, and body to the right normal, so we can see that the Aqeel like a healthy child and okay. All memorized Al Quran still memorized out of the head and the way of thinking is still very normal as well as the tone of speech is also still as before remain critical and full of enthusiasm.
After being treated at home, we were scheduled to perform physiotherapy for Aqeel at Hermina Hospital twice a week and at the Constitutional Court Polyclinic once a week. Incidentally, in the Court Clinic, there are also physiotherapists and neurologists as well as medical rehabilitation physicians who help and provide advice and input for Aqeel healing.
We are also advised to make tools for Aqeel legs and hands are specially printed so that the hands and feet are not rigid. In addition, we also bought a small ball to train hand grips and wheelchairs for children that can also be bought easily.
At home, we also conditioned the Aqeel comfortable, ranging from room, dining room, bathroom and living room we conditioned to also feasible and comfortable for Aqeel.
Today exactly 5 weeks Aqeel post stroke and Thank God many progress experienced Aqeel. Aqeel can walk and his hand can be moved up and down. Only his fingers that still cannot be normal and so far can only grasp it. Starting Monday yesterday Aqeel dah wants to go back to school. We also consulted to school to Aqeel can be a school but at a time that may be said to be limited and not full 100% considering Aqeel it has not recovered 100%.
We as parents also try to seek opinions different from other doctors associated with AVM healing methods. Some of the best doctors and professors of surgery in Jakarta contact us and we consult. In addition, to raise the moral for the Aqeel not minder we also ask for help a special psychologist who happens to my own sister Reza Kusuma Putra, so once Aqeel week to share Aqeel remain confident and strong mentally.
Aqeel condition Currently a month after outpatient
In addition, another method we developed was Quran therapy. My wife and every prayer invite Aqeel to continue reading the Qur'an and memorize the Qur'an back to recall the Quran back both good and even better because we are sure that Allah SWT will help the healing process Aqeel. We are also convinced that one of the factors that cause Aqeel's memory is still good and normal because he is the recipient of the Quran.
We also strive to provide food that is really good for Aqeel. Foods that contain MSG and unhealthy clear we stop. Do not buy food from outside and eat only home-cooked food. During this time we often provide unhealthy foods such as fast food that is just delicious in the mouth but it has an effect that is not good for the child's body flowers.
The drastic changes we are facing today are related to Aqeel, not just limited to the physical ones but more worrying is the other additional properties of the Aqeel rather grumpy. We find that his current emotions tend to increase, so inevitably we have to be more patient. Doctor nerves also reminded that Aqeel should not be made too tired and do not be made stress for fear if stress and cape will affect back to blood vessels brain. That little story I related my son Aqeel. Please pray for Aqeel healing.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016, at 4:30 pm amid the busy handling disputes dispute cases in the Constitutional Court, my phone rang and seen the name Ijay (my brother). There's a bad feeling when I pick up the phone, even though I'm just guessing that there must be some unhappy news.
Ijay, just said, "Aqeel fall down but his foot hand cannot move, now will take to Hospital". Shocked, confused, sad all mixed together in the minds of the heart. That time there was only one in my mind, why Aqeel?
My son Aqeel is an exceptional child, has been in the health of health trials since infancy until the age of nine today. At the age of 8 months had to be in hernia surgery, age 4 years in circumcision surgery, and the age of 7 years should also be in appendectomy surgery. He also got asthma that sometimes still disrupt its activities so that Aqeel cannot be full activity because if too tired asthma will relapse.
A short story, I rushed home from the office of the Constitutional Court to the Hospital Hermina Bekasi using Commuterline Jakarta-Bekasi. Amid the trip my wife called, asking where are you?, I answered still in the train Manggarai Station. I also ask how Aqeel? How did it happen? Is the Aqeel fall ?, my wife says it is already in the ER and is being handled by the doctor, and my wife also said not sure whether the Aqeel fell or not because at the time taken to the home condition Aqeel by plain okay just balance her body there, his left leg and arm cannot be moved and the left side of his body is rigid.
Upon arriving at the ER I saw Aqeel already in the infusion and was crying, my wife a little bit calm, I went straight to Aqeel, I said, Insha Allah you will be fine. At that time Aqeel already in CT Scan and CT scan results also exist, when seen CT Scan in Aqeel brain looks like a rather large black hole in the left brain.
According to a general practitioner, Aqeel may be affected by a stroke so that the blood vessels rupture. The black hole is a blood clot that breaks.
CT scan results
At that time, the general practitioner of the ER immediately consulted a specialist physician and neurosurgeon and brief Aqeel story must be handled immediately in the ICU room so that the handling and action can be intense, precise and fast.
In the ICU room was indeed the most terrible thing besides the operating room, I was nervous and stressed. I did not imagine the aqeel that had been very often came to the hospital. I saw a trauma in Aqeel when entering ICU room, she cried and "Mom, Aqeel do not be left behind .... Mom, mom".
My wife is crying and I can not resist this tear. In my heart mumble "Ya Rabb, Good, so many trials you give to my son Aqeel"
In a special ICU hospital room of Hermina Hospital, the Aqeel is given a special medicine to prevent the brain from swelling, according to doctors in ICU Aqeel will continue to be controlled and monitored and we as parents are required to wait in the waiting room and when needed will be called.
My wife and my sister finally turn to wait in the ICU waiting room. A call from the ICU room for me and my wife was almost an hour since the Aqeel was restless and kept calling us. The first night was the most stressful night because Aqeel was angry, crying and in pain, doctors and nurses in the ICU room could not soothe the Aqeel so inevitably my wife and I had to calm down and wait in the ICU Room.
The results of existing CT scans according to doctors specialist children and neurosurgeons have not been able to describe what is actually the cause of Aqeel stroke. Aqeel was asked to check again with MRI methods that are in Premier Jatinegara Hospital.
The second day we were escorted by ambulance to Hospital Premier Jatinegara for MRI. MRI process is not too long just about 45 minutes because Aqeel is not in the anaesthetic so the MRI process is very fast.
The MRI result indicates the Aqeel is subject to AVM. According to the neurosurgeon, AVM [Arteriovenous Malformations] is an abnormality in the artery embolism linked directly to the venous blood vessels, without capillary intervention, resulting in rapid flow and low resistance.
According to doctors, this circulation disorder makes AVM prone to rupture and can cause cerebral hemorrhage. According to doctors, the exact cause of the occurrence of AVM until now has not been known for certain, Generally caused by congenital abnormalities that occur in the fetus so that a person born with the disorder.
That is a glimpse of the disease suffered by Aqeel. According to the doctor, handling can be with surgery or laser light.
"We went back to sigh, another operation? What is it? .... Aqeel has several times in operation, and now must be in operation again? .... "
For me and my wife when I hear the word of the operation, my guts are so shrunken, I do not have the heart to look at the Aqeel again in surgery, especially now the surgery in the brain whose healing accuracy is still in doubt because based on the references I read brain surgery is very difficult and sometimes patients do not survive long life. That is the image that is in my mind and wife.
Doctors at Hermina Hospital who handle Aqeel does not recommend Aqeel for immediate surgery because it is not urgent for surgery to just confirm that healing of AVM is usually via surgery or with laser light.
I finally asked many questions and consulted with some doctor friends from the alumni of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta [UMY] and also a doctor at the polyclinic of the Constitutional Court. Finally, my wife and I agreed that the main target at this time is the Aqeel can go home, back healthy and outpatient.
Her hands and feet that can not be moved will be trained with physiotherapy and psychological methods will also be restored while waiting for the best solution for healing the AVM.
Aqeel was treated in the inpatient for 4 days so that the overall total was treated in Hermina Hospital for 8 days, 4 days in ICU and 4 days in the inpatient room.
Although the left side is not functioning normally, Alhamdulilah the mind, speech, and body to the right normal, so we can see that the Aqeel like a healthy child and okay. All memorized Al Quran still memorized out of the head and the way of thinking is still very normal as well as the tone of speech is also still as before remain critical and full of enthusiasm.
After being treated at home, we were scheduled to perform physiotherapy for Aqeel at Hermina Hospital twice a week and at the Constitutional Court Polyclinic once a week. Incidentally, in the Court Clinic, there are also physiotherapists and neurologists as well as medical rehabilitation physicians who help and provide advice and input for Aqeel healing.
We are also advised to make tools for Aqeel legs and hands are specially printed so that the hands and feet are not rigid. In addition, we also bought a small ball to train hand grips and wheelchairs for children that can also be bought easily.
At home, we also conditioned the Aqeel comfortable, ranging from room, dining room, bathroom and living room we conditioned to also feasible and comfortable for Aqeel.
Today exactly 5 weeks Aqeel post stroke and Thank God many progress experienced Aqeel. Aqeel can walk and his hand can be moved up and down. Only his fingers that still cannot be normal and so far can only grasp it. Starting Monday yesterday Aqeel dah wants to go back to school. We also consulted to school to Aqeel can be a school but at a time that may be said to be limited and not full 100% considering Aqeel it has not recovered 100%.
We as parents also try to seek opinions different from other doctors associated with AVM healing methods. Some of the best doctors and professors of surgery in Jakarta contact us and we consult. In addition, to raise the moral for the Aqeel not minder we also ask for help a special psychologist who happens to my own sister Reza Kusuma Putra, so once Aqeel week to share Aqeel remain confident and strong mentally.
Aqeel condition Currently a month after outpatient
In addition, another method we developed was Quran therapy. My wife and every prayer invite Aqeel to continue reading the Qur'an and memorize the Qur'an back to recall the Quran back both good and even better because we are sure that Allah SWT will help the healing process Aqeel. We are also convinced that one of the factors that cause Aqeel's memory is still good and normal because he is the recipient of the Quran.
We also strive to provide food that is really good for Aqeel. Foods that contain MSG and unhealthy clear we stop. Do not buy food from outside and eat only home-cooked food. During this time we often provide unhealthy foods such as fast food that is just delicious in the mouth but it has an effect that is not good for the child's body flowers.
The drastic changes we are facing today are related to Aqeel, not just limited to the physical ones but more worrying is the other additional properties of the Aqeel rather grumpy. We find that his current emotions tend to increase, so inevitably we have to be more patient. Doctor nerves also reminded that Aqeel should not be made too tired and do not be made stress for fear if stress and cape will affect back to blood vessels brain. That little story I related my son Aqeel. Please pray for Aqeel healing.
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